According to statistics, two out of ten men have reduced potency. In 90% of cases, it is a temporary phenomenon associated with fatigue, nervous tension, stressful situation, excessive alcohol consumption, previous illness, etc. c.
If permanent weakening of erections and a decrease in libido develop, this is a reason to consult a doctor.
Sometimes the cause is a serious illness for which a doctor should be consulted.
In many casesPhysical exercises help to improve potency, the purpose of which is to improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs, and as a result, the blood flow to the penis increases.
Erectile dysfunction. Causes, signs
Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the absence or serious weakening of an erection in a man, making sexual intercourse impossible.
The diagnosis of impotence is established if a man has had more than 25% of unsuccessful sexual contacts.
Impotence can occur for the following reasons.:
- Psychological disorders (stress, nervous tension, difficulties in relations with a partner, lack of self-confidence).
- Hormonal imbalance.
- As a consequence of vascular diseases.
- As a result of disorders of the central nervous system (the consequences of stroke, injuries, spinal and brain tumors).
- Some medications include impotence as a side effect.
- Smoking, regular use of alcohol or drugs adversely affects men's health.
- Temporary impotence can develop as a result of sexually transmitted and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
The main symptom of erectile dysfunction is impotence, that is, the erection is weak or absent. There may also be a decrease in libido and lack of ejaculation.
In order for the treatment to be successful, you need to seek medical help. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of potency disorders. The method of treatment will depend on the cause.
Few men know that in some cases, erection can be improved with the help of special exercises that strengthen the muscles responsible for potency.
Effect of exercises on increasing potency

Effect of exercises that increase potency:
- improvement of blood circulation in the reproductive organs;
- strengthening of the groin, buttocks, leg muscles;
- prevention of stagnation;
- increasing the general tone of the body.
Regular training without the use of medication increases erection, increases libido, improves mood, and a man gains confidence in his abilities. If done correctly, the effect is noticeable after a week of training.
Before you start training, you should consult your doctor. During the active period of inflammatory diseases, you cannot exercise.
Types of exercises. Performance technique
The purpose of the exercises is to improve blood circulation, prevent congestion, and strengthen the body as a whole.
A good effect is observed when training is combined with a healthy diet, you need to give up bad habits. This combination in many cases helps to avoid problems with potency without using expensive drugs.
General rules:
- The key to success is regular practice. It is better to study less time, but every day.
- Do not overload the body. The load is increased gradually, without sudden movements. There should be no intense pain after training.
- Ideally, you should do 5-6 different exercises a day, 2-3 times.
- In general exercises, it is desirable to include exercises to improve potency - this will increase the overall tone of the body.
- During classes, the movements are smooth, you can't hold your breath.
- It is important to train with a positive attitude.
Below are the best power exercises.
Pelvic pendulum
StandingStand with your feet shoulder-width apart, about a foot's length further on each side than shoulder-width apart. Follow upto squatuntil the buttocks are level with the knees. Hold this pose.
In this position, slowly move your pelvis back and forth. Inhale as you move backward, exhale as you move forward. Movement speed may vary. It all depends on individual physical capabilities.
One approach involves moving the pelvis back and forth, in one cycle you need to do at least 10 approaches. At first, you can hold on to something with your hands to make it easier to keep your balance.
During exercise, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, the muscles of the thigh and leg joints are strengthened.
The exercise will be effective only if the back and forth movement is done only by the pelvis and the body is still. If you feel your legs shaking, you should take a break.
Running in place
In a standing position, do not lift your toes off the floor, work with your heels. Simulate brisk walking. Duration from 1 minute to 5.
While sipping

This exercise is performed on all fours. Arms and legs are strictly perpendicular to the floor.
Inhale and as you exhale, gently tilt your pelvis back until your buttocks rest on your heels. Your arms should remain straight. It is important to feel the stretching of the vertebrae and joints. In the final position, outstretched arms lie on the floor with palms, forehead rests on the floor, buttocks on the heels.
Do all movements slowly, without sudden movements or holding your breath. At first, 3 approaches are enough, then increase to 10 times a day.
Stretching on all fours is useful for relieving congestion, warming the joints and massaging the abdominal organs. Regular stretching improves bowel function.
While standing, keep your back straight and your legs slightly bent. You should squeeze and release the gluteal muscles as if holding an imaginary stone.
Sit ups
In a standing position, spread your legs wide, about a foot longer on each side than shoulder-width apart. Back straight, arms along the body, look forward.
Breathe in evenly and slowly squat down as far as you can without discomfort as you exhale. At the lowest point, lean your body forward evenly and place your hands between your legs as far as possible. At the same time, the palms slide along the floor, and the thumbs are pointed back. The feet are turned 45 degrees outward. There is no need to place them parallel or turn them outward more.
At the end point, freeze for a few seconds and start the movement in the opposite direction. While standing, take a few breaths, even out your breathing and repeat the exercise a few more times.
During the exercise, the tone of the muscles of the groin, buttocks and legs increases, due to muscle contraction, a natural massage of the prostate occurs.
Tighten and relax the muscles around the anusas if trying to stop the urination process. Repeat 15 to 50 times. The exercise can be performed in any position.
As a result of training, congestion is eliminated and prostate massage occurs.
Strengthening of the perineal muscles

The exercise is performed standing, back straight, arms relaxed. Take a normal inhalation and as you exhale, squeeze the muscles of the anus, hold for a few seconds and relax gently.
After a few seconds of rest, repeat.
For the best effect, try to tighten only the muscles of the anus without the muscles of the buttocks.
As a result of training, the internal muscles of the reproductive system are stimulated, the prostate is massaged, and control over the muscles that cause an erection is increased. In addition, exercise reduces emotional stress and helps to get rid of negativity.
Exercise "Butterfly"
Done lying on your back. Knees bent, feet pulled up to the buttocks, hands on knees.
After taking a deep breath, as you exhale, spread your knees strongly with your arms, resisting with your leg muscles. Inhale. As you exhale, return your legs to the starting position, resisting with your arms. The movements are smooth, without jerking.
Must be repeated at least three times.
As a result, the muscles of the groin and inner thigh are trained, prostate massage is performed. Arms and chest are additionally strengthened.
Exercise "Reeds"
Done lying on your back. Hands behind the head, hands folded and placed under the back of the head.
After inhaling slowly, on exhalation, raise one leg vertically. Hold it for a while and then make circular movements, as if drawing a circle with your leg, in one direction, then the other. 3-4 circles in each direction.
Lower your leg. Even out your breathing and repeat with the other leg.
It is important to keep your leg straight during the exercise.
Deeply located pelvic muscles develop. Blood circulation increases, muscles responsible for potency are stimulated. Exercise also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and strengthens the tone of the abdominal muscles.
Lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along your body. Focus on your legs and shoulder blades and lift your pelvis up. Perform the movements smoothly, without jerking, breathing evenly. At the top, freeze for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
You need to start with 5-7 approaches, gradually increasing to 20 times.
The pelvic and abdominal muscles are developed, the prostate is naturally stimulated.
Water treatments

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is useful to take contrast baths for the lower part of the body.
To do this, prepare two containers with cold (first with cool, then gradually reduce the temperature) and with hot water.
First sit in hot water, hold for 30 seconds, then in cold water, hold for 30 seconds. Repeat.
The procedure should be performed for 15 minutes every day from 2 weeks to a month.
Contraindicated for inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
These are sample exercises for potency disorders. Before starting training, it is advisable to consult a doctor to develop an individual program. At the beginning of the lessons, you can choose 4-5 exercises. The main thing is to train regularly. Gradually increase the intensity. Additionally, you can and should include general strengthening exercises in your training.
The causes of erectile dysfunction can be very different.: from psychological disorders to serious illnesses. For treatment to be successful, the cause must be identified. In the case of many types of potency disorders, physical exercises have a good effect. An important condition is the regularity of classes.
Exercises give the maximum effect if they are combined with a special diet and giving up bad habits.